All filler, no killer

The intro…

Hello there and welcome to this week’s “blog”.

Why the air quotes? Well, in all honesty this isn’t a full blog post. Sorry, I’ll get to that in a minute though.

Patreon Update…

Yes, it’s coming up to the end of a quarter! Again!

It only feels like 5 minutes ago I was posting out Q1’s gifts but here we are, approaching the end of Q2!

What is there to spoil this time? Well, it’s….


Yep, the continuation of the Exile templates! This time it’s the 2 bank, If you weren’t already aware, starting last year I have been sending various Exile Squadron templates to most support tiers. The aim is that by some time next year I’ll have sent out the full set. Ambitious? Maybe. Cool? I like to think so!

Talking about it does make me realise that there will be some who have missed out on earlier templates. If that includes you (or if you’re thinking of signing up) then don’t worry about it, I’m sure we can work something out

If you’re interested in getting these goodies or any of the other bits or even simply to support the blog then you can sign up to be a Patron and support the blog here. There’s several different tiers starting at £1 per month (and £10 per month is the highest) and any and all support is HUGELY appreciated. HUGELY!

Alright, that’s enough of that for the moment. Let’s move on.

The main-ish bit. Sort of…

Alright, time to come clean.

This is not a full blog.

You see, I still to write a HUGE amount of stuff following Worlds. The warm up event, the main thing itself, doubles, Sunday Swiss. LOADS!

However, I have had ZERO time. I know I’m using a lot of capitals. Sorry about that, I’m just trying to emphasise my words.

I came home from Chicago, had 3 days in work and then a busy weekend with family followed by a week away volunteering and I came home exhausted.

So why blog at all? I already said I’d be taking some time off, nobody would miss it, right?

Well, I’d like to think some people might miss it but the fact is, I’ve got some things I need to quickly talk about that are a little time sensitive. So yeah, I’m blogging just a little blog.

So, what is there to talk about? Well, first there was the Patreon update. That’s done now.

The next thing is events.

Yep, even this soon after Worlds, we are talking about events!

First of all, we are holding a store level tournament at Firestorm Games in Newport!

It’s soon – the 20th of April – and as well as the usual generous spread of prizes that we’ll be giving out, the winner of the tournament will get a free ticket to the Welsh open 2024! (that costs £30!)

You can sign up to the event by commenting on the signup post on the Facebook event page and following the instructions there.

And so what’s the next thing to talk about? Well it’s the Welsh Open 2024 of course!

On the 6th and 7th of July (and a bit of Friday the 5th I suppose!) we will be running the second Welsh Open at Firestorm Games in Cardiff. Tickets are £30 which includes food on the Saturday (as well as entry to a side event on day 2 for those who don’t make cut!) which, in my slightly biased opinion, is a pretty good deal!

We have some pretty cool plans in the works for prizes (which, same as last year, we plan to spread around as much as possible!) which may or may not include some goodies that we picked up in Chicago recently!

We also have a pretty amazing trophy in the works. Want a spoiler? Yeah, I thought you might…

So, if you’d like to come to Cardiff this summer (with dates that don’t clash with any other major events and aren’t in the school holidays), have a great time with some cool people (and me!) and play plastic spaceships then get over to The Battlefields website and get your ticket!

We would LOVE to see you there!

The last thing I want to mention is that Firestorm Games has expanded (again!) by opening a new store in Bridgend, South Wales. It opened last Saturday and while I didn’t get there myself, I’m told there’s a space that will fit 10-12 players and they’re looking to start fortnightly X-Wing sessions there too!

You can find more info on the Firestorm Games website or check out what organised play events they have by checking The Battlefields site.

Ok, is that it? I think that might be it. Yep. Pretty sure.

The conclusion…

Uh, what is there still to say? Well, let me tell you this. I’ve not so much as picked up a dial since leaving Schaumberg. Actually, that’s not quote true. I unpacked my bag so technically I did touch a dial, but, you get what I mean, right?

And you know what? Despite initially feeling pretty X-Winged out, I miss it. It doesn’t help that I’m not playing AGAIN tomorrow (as I’m working away) and so by the time I do actually get to play it will have been over 3 weeks. It doesn’t sound like a lot when I put it like that but trust me, I miss pushing those little plastic ships around.

So, sorry again for the rather unusual blog this week. I will get a bit more time this next week to start looking back at Worlds (and drag the good feeling out even longer!) so come back next week for something a bit more like normal!

Oh, and buy tickets for our events! We’d love to see you!

The outro…

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, I hope you’ve enjoyed it! If you’d like to support me in continuing my X-Wing blogging adventure there are a few ways you can do that.

You can follow my social media accounts for updates

If you’re looking to buy some gaming ‘stuff’ and don’t have a local gaming store, you can use my affiliate link for Firestorm games. They’re great!

If you would like to directly support the blog then please consider becoming a Patron! I would be forever grateful!

A MASSIVE thank you to my wonderful Patrons for their ongoing support for the blog and enabling me to give away shiny things!

Exile Initiates:
Douglas Thomson

Exile Rookies:
Ben Kennedy

Exile Veterans:
Mark Beor, Daniel Barringer, Michael Bird, Steve Boulton, Jason Desmarais, Darin Schwarze, Alex Peters-Bean, Mark Packer-Hughes

Exile Commanders:
Kevin Larsen, HasNolo, David Bryan

Exile Legends:
Rebecca Westwood, Admiral_Ackbar47, Phill Blackmore, Chris Fear, Jamie Howard, Sean Oakley, James Humphery, Opi-Wan Kenobi

You are all amazing humans!

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